In pages linked below I provide 150 dpi scans of a dozen first appearance of a Story in Pulp Magazine. I scanned the Cover, content page and the first one or two pages and any pages which included an illustration, as these were omitted when the stories were collected and printed as books.
Includes his first Story sold in 1946, his First Novel in 1951, and most of the great short Stories which inspired his more famous books like Childhoods End, and 2001 A Space Odyssey
Click on story title to view the scans. Mouseover any image and it will automatically expand to fit the window without opening a new tab or browser window. Remove the mouse and it will revert to small dimensions as displayed.
These Pulp magazines are rare to find in good condition since they
were not published on acid free archival quality paper to last a long
time. They are now over 50 years old. After being invited to the
Confluence in 2002 and finding some of these rare Pulp Magazines
for Sale, I purchased the rest on eBay. It was probably possible to
find more of them, but decided to stop looking for them, after getting
what I considered the most important issues. I had them Autographed by
Sir Arthur Clarke when I next visited him in Lanka. The Pulp collection is
piled on his table as he looks at the
1945 February issue of the Wireless World.
This website was created as a tribute to the late Sir Arthur C. Clarke 2nd year death anniversary on 2010 March 19th. Scans displayed under doctrine of "Fair use" to share online these collector pulp magazines among the many worldwide Fans of Sir Arthur C. Clarke.
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