By using font UN-Abhaya I can write Sinhala දා as required for
රුපියල් දසදාහයි
By using font Lohit-Tamil-Classical I can write Tamil னா as required for
பதினாயிரவ் ரூபாய்
Is it possible to make an included script file redefining the default fonts,
for each of these languages, both regular and bold, so I can
overlay the defaults and don't need to do a explicit
<span title="transliteration" style="font">Text in Unicode</span>
call each time I use Sinhala or Thamil within that document.
Although with these changes of font text appear as required on Screen, any printout is Not WYSWYG and defaults to regular font using Chrome and probabaly most other Browsers. Need to use Chrome Screenshot extention save as PDF and then print the PDF.
On these same lines the 18th century Arabic letters found on some Lankan coins and Currency is written in Persian Nasta'leek font which is significantly different from the Naskh font used by default for shared Arabic Unicode ranges in HEX: U+0600-06FF; U+0750-077F; U+FB50-FDFF; U+FE70-FEFF; They may not have got independent Unicode allocation as modern usage is switching over to standard Arabic font.
See also Discussion of Seal on Dutch Currency.
On the long term I would also like to develop font .ttf or .otf files to encode the 2nd century BCE to 2nd Century CE, Sinhala Brahmi See coin. As well as the 8th to 13th century Sinhala Nagari which appear on our coins and lot of inscriptions. Epigraphia Zeylanica uses modern Devanagari (Hindi) which looks very different to encode Nagari inscriptions found in Sri Lanka, to be able to be as close as practical to the way the text has been written.
The Symbols that appear in Indian and Lankan Punch mark coins also make an interesting collection. Similer symbol sets of other countries, have been allocated Unicode slots.
Chinese has been granted more than half the Unicode allocation. Many mostly western Ancient and Historic Scripts scripts have already been allocated. Can't we make a case for Sri Lanka to get few more slots to encode our ancient inscriptions as we find them written. In my opinion it is important to be able to represent text and symbols in ancient inscriptions in searchable Unicode so that they become part of digital knowledge.
Used Google Translate or Transliterate to Arabic Unicode and then Convert from Unicode to HTML entities.
Google Translator Unicode Font Encoding
Sinhala :
- Type keyboard
- Converter Singlish
- Tamil : OCR (CBSL PDF is not Unicode)
- Type keyboard
- Converter Tamglish
- Unicode -> Roman (ASCII)
- Thamil-Grid
- Sinhala-Grid
- Convert Sinhala typed in various systems selectable ( DL-Manel-bold, kaputadotcom, FM Abhaya, Thibus Sinhala, Amalee ) into Unicode The system can be inferred by trial and error of a section of text copied and pasted.
Encode Unicode to equivalent HTML Text
- Online OCR
Google Sinhala-Unicode Group
- Miscellaneous Symbols
- HTML Help
Unicode Character Recognision: Shapecatcher drawn Symbol to Hex.
Hex to Decimal.
xxxS <span title=""> in Sinhala, xxxT <span title=""></span> in Thamil xxxD <span title=""></span> in Dutch xxxE and in English.grep xxx ../localang.html >> subd/file_to_edit_xxr.html
BLSS මෙක පෙනනන අයගෙ: ඊන්දියාවෙ මුදල්වු පතාගයට ඉස්තිබ්රි හතලිස් අටගනනේ පතාග ... කොම්පඤෙඤ්වෙත තිබෙනබව මෙහි පහල අතහන්කල අපි එලිදරවු කරනවායැ. එ වෙනිගනනට මෙ විස්වාසකෙරිමෙ ලිවුම මෙ දිවයිනේ සැමතැනම වලගුවෙනඩ යෙදේයැ.(in Sinhala)
BLST இலககம இறையால ... ககு நலலது இதைககாணபிககிறவாகளுடைய முதல இநதியாலின னானையம இறையாலுககு இஸததிவிரி நாறபததெடடு வீதம இறையால ... கொமபஞஞியலிலெ யிருககிறபடிககு இதின கீளெ கையெளுதது வைககபபடட நானகள நிசஞ சொலலுகிறொம. இவவிலஙகைத தீவுககடுதத சகலலிடஙகளிலும இநத முதலொடுககுக கடதாகியநதது கைககு வளஙகுமபடிககு யொததுககொளளபபடும. in Thamil
BLSD WY ondergetekende Certificeeren, dat Thoonder deezes, by de Compagnie te goet heeft ... Ryksdaalders van 48 zwaare Stuyvers, Indisch-Geld. voor welkers waerde dees Kreditbrief overal ten deezen
Eilande gangbaar zal gehouden worden in Dutch
01DS පතාග එකකට in Sinhala
xCGS ලන්කවේ ආන්ඩුව in Sinhala,
CGKS ලංකවෙ ආන්ඩුවෙ කස්බ්රිප්පුව in Sinhala,
BOCS ලංක මුදල් නිධානය in Sinhala,
OBCS පුවෙදිගමුදල්නිධානය in Sinhala,
ABCS යෙසියතික් බන්කිඬ් කොර්පොරේෂන් in Sinhala,
05SS ෂිලින් පහයි in Sinhala,
1HPS පවඬ් එකසියයි in Sinhala,
CBLS ශ්රී ලංකා මහ බැංකුව in Sinhala,
CLSS Legality Legend in 3 lines
CFMS මුදල් ඈමති,
FQCS ¼ සතය in Sinhala,
INDS නිදහස in Sinhala,
01DT இறையால ஒருறுககு in Thamil
01DD een Ryxds in Dutch
02DS පතාග දෙකකට in Sinhala
02DT இறையால இரண்டுககு in Thamil
02DD twee Ryxds in Dutch
03DS පතාග තුනකට in Sinhala
03DT இறையால மூன்றுககு in Thamil
03DD drie Ryxds in Dutch
04DS පතාග හතරකට in Sinhala
04DT இறையால நாணுககு in Thamil
04DD vier Ryxds in Dutch
05DS පතාග පහකට in Sinhala
05DT இறையால அஞகிககு in Thamil
05DD vyf Ryxds in Dutch
10DS පතාග දහයකට in Sinhala
10DT இறையால பத்துககு in Thamil
10DD tien Ryxds in Dutch
1KDS පතාග දාහකට in Sinhala
1KDT இறையால ஆயிரம் in Thamil
1KDD Een Duyzent Ryxds in Dutch
xCGT இலங்கை அரசாட்சியின் in Thamil
xCGE and Ceylon Government in English.
CGKT இலங்கை அரசாட்சியின் கஷ்நொட்டு in Thamil
CGKE and Ceylon Government Treasury in English.
BOCT பஙக்ஒவ்சீலோன் in Thamil
BOCE and Bank of Ceylon in English.
OBCT கிழக்குபங்க் in Thamil
OBCE and Oriental Bank in English.
ABCT யெசியதிக்.பெங்கிங்கொர்ப்பொறேஷன் in Thamil
ABCE and Asiatic Banking Corporation in English.
05ST ஐந்து ஷீலீன் in Thamil
05SE and FIVE SHILLINGS in English.
10SS ෂිලින් දහයයි in Sinhala,
10ST பத்து ஷீலீன் in Thamil
10SE and TEN SHILLINGS in English.
FHPS පවඬ් බාගයයි in Sinhala,
FHPT அரைப் பவுண்ட் in Thamil
FHPE and HALF POUND in English.
01PS පවඬ් එකයි in Sinhala,
01PT ஒரு பவுண்ட் in Thamil
01PE and ONE POUND in English.
02PS පවඬ් දෙකයි in Sinhala,
02PT இரண்டு பவுண்ட் in Thamil
02PE and TWO POUNDS in English.
05PS පවඬ් පහයි in Sinhala,
05PT ஐந்து பவுண்ட் in Thamil
05PE and FIVE POUNDS in English.
10PS පවඬ් දහයයි in Sinhala,
10PT பத்து பவுண்ட் in Thamil
10PE and TEN POUNDS in English.
20PS පවඬ් විස්සයි in Sinhala,
20PT இருபது பவுண்ட் in Thamil
20PE and TWENTY POUNDS in English.
50PS පවඬ් පනහයි in Sinhala,
50PT ஐம்பது பவுண்ட் in Thamil
50PE and FIFTY POUNDS in English.
1HPT நூறு பவுண்ட் in Thamil
1HPE and HUNDRED POUNDS in English.
CBLT இலங்கை மத்திய வங்கி in Thamil
මුදල් නෝට්ටුව ශ්රී ලංකාව ඇතුළත ඕනෑම මුදල් ගණනක්
ගෙවිම සඳහා නිතියෙන් වලංගුය
CBGS මහ බැංකුවේ අධිපති
FQCT ல•சதம் in Thamil
FQCE and QUARTER CENT in English.
FHCS ½ සතය in Sinhala,
FHCT ஞ•சதம் in Thamil
FHCE and HALF CENT in English.
01CS ශතය in Sinhala,
01CT சதம் in Thamil
01CE and ONE CENT in English.
02CS ශත දෙක in Sinhala,
02CC සත දෙක in Sinhala,
02CT இரண்டு சதம் in Thamil
02CE and TWO CENTS in English.
05CS ශත පහ in Sinhala,
05CC සත පහ in Sinhala,
05CT ஐந்து சதம் in Thamil
05CE and FIVE CENTS in English.
10CS ශත දහය in Sinhala,
10CC සත දහය in Sinhala,
10CT பத்து சதம் in Thamil
10CE and TEN CENTS in English.
25CS ශත විසිපහ in Sinhala,
25CC සත විසිපහ in Sinhala,
25CT இருபத்தைந்து சதம் in Thamil
25CE and TWENTY FIVE CENTS in English.
50CS ශත පණහ in Sinhala,
50CC සත පනහ in Sinhala,
50CT ஐம்பது சதம் in Thamil
50CE and FIFTY CENTS in English.
01RS රුපියලයි in Sinhala,
01RT ஒரு ரூபாய் in Thamil
01RE and ONE RUPEE in English.
02RS රුපියල් දෙකයි in Sinhala,
02RT இரண்டு ரூபாய் in Thamil
02RE and TWO RUPEES in English.
05RS රුපියල් පහයි in Sinhala,
05RT ஐந்து ரூபாய் in Thamil
05RE and FIVE RUPEES in English.
10RS රුපියල් දහයයි in Sinhala,
10RT பத்து ரூபாய் in Thamil
10RE and TEN RUPEES in English.
20RS රුපියල් විස්සයි in Sinhala,
20RT இருபது ரூபாய் in Thamil
20RE and TWENTY RUPEES in English.
50RS රුපියල් පනහයි in Sinhala,
50RT ஐம்பது ரூபாய் in Thamil
50RE and FIFTY RUPEES in English.
1HRS රුපියල් එකසියයයි in Sinhala,
1HRC රුපියල් සියයයි in Sinhala,
1HRT நூறு ரூபாய் in Thamil
2HRS රුපියල් දෙසියයි in Sinhala,
2HRT இருநூறு ரூபாய் in Thamil
5HRS රුපියල් පන්සියයයි in Sinhala,
5HRT ஐந்நூறு ரூபாய் in Thamil
1KRS රුපියල් දාහයි in Sinhala,
1KRT ஆயிரம் ரூபாய் in Thamil
2KRS රුපියල් දෙදාහයි in Sinhala,
2KRT இரண்டாயிரம் ரூபாய் in Thamil
5KRS රුපියල් පන්දාහයි in Sinhala,
5KRT ஐயாயிரம் ரூபாய் in Thamil
10KS රුපියල් දසදාහයි in Sinhala,
10KT பதினாயிரவ் ரூபாய் in Thamil
10KE and TEN THOUSAND RUPEES in English.
INDT சுதந்திரம் in Thamil
INDE and Independence 1948-1998 in English.